1-All copyrights are reserved for the Faculty of veterinary medicine Matrouh University.
2- The published articles reflect their authors’ opinions and without the responsibility of the journal for their contents.
3- Articles should not be previously published in other journals.
4- The manuscript should be written in English or Arabic, include an abstract (not more than 200 words) at the beginning. The abstract should be informative and understandable even without reading the article itself.
5- The manuscript should be written in font 12 in double spaced “Times New Roman” ,where all titles should be written in font 14 bold.
6-keywords should be from 5-7 words.
7- Page number should be written at the bottom of each page.
8- All references must be cited at the end of the manuscript, should be written in alphabetical order in CSE Style Manual C-S (Council of Science Editors).URL and DOI should be written at the end of the reference.
9- Pages numbers should not exceed 20 pages, 20 L.E will be charged for each extra page.
10- Cost of publishing is 500 L.E for Egyptians and 120 US$ for non- Egyptians.